GO MOMS Train the Trainer References

  1. Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Obstetrics and gynecology Editors: Deering,S,Auguste,T  Goffman,D,2019 Springer

2. Naola Austin, MD,Sara Goldhaber-Fiebert, MD,Kay Daniels, MD,Julie Arafeh, MSN, RN,Veronique Grenon, FCAS, MAAA,§ Dana Welle, DO, JD, and Steven Lipman, MD .Building Comprehensive Strategies for Obstetric Safety: Simulation Drills and Communication Anesthesia & Analgesia November 2016 • Volume 123 • Number 5

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4. The Joint Commission Sentinel event Alert #30  July 21 2004

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7. Steve Lipman , Kay Daniels, Sheila E Cohen, Brendan Carvalho Labor room setting compared with the operating room for simulated perimortem cesarean delivery: a randomized controlled trial Obstet Gynecol 2011 nov 118(5) 1090-1094

8. The Joint Commission R3 Report Issue 24: PC Standards for Maternal Safety. https://www.jointcommission.org/standards/r3-report/r3-report-issue-24-pc-standards-for-maternal-safety/. Accessed June 15, 2021

9. Tamas E et al. Closing the Gap: Experienced Simulation Educators Role and Impact on Everyday Health care. JCEHP 2019;39(1):36-41.

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13. The use and development of checklist in obstetrics and gynecology ACOG Committee opinion # 680 November 2016

14. Bakri insertion video https://bcove.video/2Wa1iwU

15. CMQCC https://www.cmqcc.org/resources-tool-kits/toolkits/ob-hemorrhage-toolkit accessed 10-28-21

16. https://safehealthcareforeverywoman.org/council/patient-safety-bundles/maternal-safety-bundles/ accessed 10-28-2117.Fanning, R. M. and D. M. Gaba (2007). “The role of debriefing in simulation-based learning.” Simul Healthc 2(2): 115-125.