Prior to a Major Games, it is essential that athletes under your care obtain a TUE if necessary and submit the completed paperwork to the USADA well ahead of an athlete participating.
For Major Games, USADA must notify WADA and the USOPC of an athlete’s approved TUE. In addition, for the Olympic/Paralympic Games, the IOC/IPC Medical Committees are also notified respectively. USADA will provide access to all TUE information via ADAMS prior to the Period of The Games.
According to the Major Games in question, the IOC, IPC, or Major Games organizer, may appoint a TUE Committee to assess existing TUEs in accordance with the International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions (ISTUE) and approves only those TUEs that have been issued in compliance with the Code and ISTUE. These TUE decisions are valid only for the Period of the Games. WADA may also review the TUEs.
During the Period of the Games, the TUE authority is either the IOC, IPC, or Major Games organizers (Games TUE Committee), depending on the specific Games.