- To be knowledgeable of and comply with all antidoping policies and rules adopted pursuant to the Code and which are applicable to them or the Athletes whom they support.
- To cooperate with the Athlete Testing program.
- To use their influence on Athlete values and behavior to foster anti-doping attitudes.
- To disclose to their National Anti-Doping Organization and International Federation any decision by a non-Signatory finding that they committed an anti-doping rule violation within the previous ten (10) years.
- To cooperate with Anti-Doping Organizations investigating anti-doping rule violations.
- Athlete Support Personnel shall not use or possess any prohibited substance/method without valid justification.
In situations where use or personal possession of a prohibited substance/method by an Athlete Support Person without justification is not an anti-doping rule violation under the Code, it should be subject to other sport disciplinary rules. Coaches and other Athlete Support Personnel are often role models for Athletes. They should not be engaging in personal conduct which conflicts with their responsibility to encourage their Athletes not to cheat.