CCT is structured over 15 sessions with the flexibility to add extra sessions in each phase. Although we recognize the value of having a caregiver in therapy, experience has taught us that this is not always possible. Hence, CCT has been designed to maximize the active engagement of the child, while not requiring the presence of a caregiver in all sessions.
The intervention is standardized for children age 8 to 18 years, but can be adapted to the child’s age, developmental level, background, and current functioning. It can also be adapted to maximize the therapist’s strengths and approach. In essence, CCT is appropriate for any type of trauma, but emphasis is on ongoing, chronic trauma experiences.
In our online course, we will be covering CCT topics and strategies through a series of clinical vignettes. To demonstrate its application to diverse backgrounds, age, and traumatic experiences, these vignettes will center around four characters: Tasha, Nelson, Brian, and Michelle.
You will be introduced to each character through a graphic novel style story. You can listen to the story by selecting the blue audio play button in the top right corner of the slide player. You will advance through the graphic novel by selecting the forward arrow just next to the slide number (e.g., “1 / 4”) below the player. The arrows on the bottom right corner allow you to expand to full screen for a better viewing experience.
Each lesson is followed by a clinical vignette, referred to as a “Chapter.” The chapter also has an audio player if you prefer to listen in to the session or read along with the written text. The audio player for the chapters appears as a grey bar. There is a play/pause button and sound level adjustment.
At the end of each module, there will be a short recap and a quiz that you can take to assess your formative learning. The link to the quiz will be in a red box at the bottom of the lesson page, just like the one at the bottom of this page. If you select the quiz icon or quiz name it will advance to the first question.
References to additional resources and guides are embedded through the course. Page numbers for the Cue-Centered Therapy manual (available in both English and Spanish) are included for each module, so you can follow along. We strongly recommend using this course in conjunction with the Cue-Centered Therapy manual given that it is referenced throughout and provides access to the session worksheets, and contains additional content beyond the course.
The CCT therapist manuals are available electronically in English and Spanish or you can purchase a hardcopy from Oxford Press.
Link to English versions here
Link to Spanish versions here
The worksheets and coping tool scripts used in this course are copyrighted by Carrion, VG: Cue-centered therapy for youth experiencing posttraumatic symptoms: a structured multimodal intervention, therapist guide. New York: Oxford University Press; 2016 and reproduced with permission of Oxford Publishing Limited through PLSclear.
The entire course will take approximately 7–8 hours to complete. Please take a break after finishing the section for each CCT session, and have your favorite writing implement nearby so you can follow prompts to practice note-taking.
Now with that, let’s get started!