Welcome to Stanford Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Practicum on ADHD assessment, management and treatment
By the end of this self-led online module, learners will be able to achieve the following learning objectives:
- Generate a differential diagnosis for a child with externalizing behavior problems.
- Administer/interpret parent and teacher NICHQ Vanderbilt questionnaires for ADHD diagnosis and for monitoring of ADHD treatment response.
- Identify common conditions that co-occur with ADHD.
- Use the American Academy of Pediatrics ADHD practice guidelines and ADHD toolkit for comprehensive ADHD care.
- Describe the start and monitoring of recommended behavioral and medication tratments for ADHD.
- Assist families in understanding a child’s educational rights and obtaining a school district evaluations.

If you are participating in the research evaluation of the ADHD Practicum/Academic Half Day during your DBP rotation please complete the Baseline Survey before proceeding with the module. To locate the survey check your email for the link to the secure Redcap survey. Thank you!