Each individual cue is linked to a particular square, which represents the initial response pattern. Through CCT, we’ll create new responses, new squares, over time. Every new square gets layered on top of the previous ones so that the initial trauma-response square becomes a three-dimensional cube, with multiple layers representing different reaction patterns and response options.
It is important to emphasize that in CCT, we are not trying to change the original square—the initial response pattern—but to add more squares on top of that over time. The rationale for this is that the responses in the original square were adaptive at one point in time, they were protective, and they may even prove effective in the future in the case of additional trauma exposure, despite being maladaptive in some current contexts. Thus, it may be counterproductive to eliminate strategies that children feel can keep them safe; they might fight us on it.
Instead, through the creation of new responses in CCT, we are empowering children to come to their own conclusion about which responses best work for them, and in what situation. In other words, children come to the realization that the new responses work better than the old ones without us having to jump to immediately “fix” the old response. The resultant CUbE provides more options for choosing adaptive responses over maladaptive ones. Rather than focusing on “right” versus “wrong” responses, CCT aims to promote flexibility and adaptability in responses, depending on the situation.